Raccolta Punti

Unisciti al nostro programma di raccolta punti e scopri come ogni acquisto ti avvicina a premi esclusivi. Controlla la soglia punti su ogni scontrino e scegli come premiarti con i tuoi punti accumulati. Non perdere questa opportunità!

Coupon da 100€
person holding black dslr camera
person holding black dslr camera
A street corner features a pharmacy with a glass storefront displaying signs in Greek and various products. There is a prominent pharmacy sign featuring a green cross and an arrow pointing towards the store entrance. Potted plants are placed on the sidewalk, adding a touch of greenery to the urban setting.
A street corner features a pharmacy with a glass storefront displaying signs in Greek and various products. There is a prominent pharmacy sign featuring a green cross and an arrow pointing towards the store entrance. Potted plants are placed on the sidewalk, adding a touch of greenery to the urban setting.

Premi Speciali

Scegli tra una varietà di premi speciali disponibili per i nostri clienti fedeli. Ogni punto conta e ti avvicina a fantastici regali. Non dimenticare di controllare il tuo saldo punti e premiarti per la tua fedeltà!

Sconto del 100% su servizi

Raccolta Punti Farmacia Lazzaro

Premiamo la tua fedeltà con un sistema di raccolta punti. Controlla la soglia punti su ogni scontrino e scegli come premiarti con i tuoi punti accumulati.



Premi ritirati

Fidelity Card attive

a shelf with vases and pots

Il sistema di raccolta punti è fantastico! Adoro premiare i miei acquisti in farmacia Lazzaro.

Maria R.

Shelves filled with a variety of skincare and personal care products inside a well-organized pharmacy or store. The shelves are stocked with creams, lotions, and other health-related items, with labels and signs displaying prices and promotions. The aisle has a clean, modern appearance with clear signage for a shopping app.
Shelves filled with a variety of skincare and personal care products inside a well-organized pharmacy or store. The shelves are stocked with creams, lotions, and other health-related items, with labels and signs displaying prices and promotions. The aisle has a clean, modern appearance with clear signage for a shopping app.

Ho accumulato molti punti e finalmente ho potuto scegliere un ottimo premio. Grazie, farmacia Lazzaro!

Luca P.

Several prescription pill bottles are lying on a table next to a crumpled paper bag with the CVS Pharmacy logo visible. The tops of the bottles have text for opening instructions and some show the CVS website.
Several prescription pill bottles are lying on a table next to a crumpled paper bag with the CVS Pharmacy logo visible. The tops of the bottles have text for opening instructions and some show the CVS website.