black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Raccolta punti Farmacia Lazzaro

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Servizi Offerti

Scopri il nostro programma di raccolta punti e premiati con i tuoi acquisti.

Raccolta Punti

Controlla la soglia punti su ogni scontrino e scegli come premiarti con noi.

a group of plastic cups sitting on top of a machine
a group of plastic cups sitting on top of a machine
Premi Speciali

Coupon, buoni spesa, buoni servizi e credito reale per i tuoi acquisti futuri!

person holding brown and black round ornament
person holding brown and black round ornament

La farmacia Lazzaro offre un eccellente servizio clienti e un fantastico sistema di raccolta punti. Ogni scontrino è un'opportunità per premiarsi. Consigliatissima!

Giovanni R.

A pharmacy storefront is illuminated against the dark night, with green signage and a striped awning. The wet pavement in front reflects colorful lights, including red and green hues, creating a vivid, almost cinematic appearance. Abstract shapes and signs are visible on the store's glass doors.
A pharmacy storefront is illuminated against the dark night, with green signage and a striped awning. The wet pavement in front reflects colorful lights, including red and green hues, creating a vivid, almost cinematic appearance. Abstract shapes and signs are visible on the store's glass doors.



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